Steps to Parallel Parking

When attempting to parallel park, drive past the parking space you wish to use and stop when you are approximately even with the car ahead of the space (you should be approximately 2 feet from the other car – door to door).
- Turn your wheels sharply to the right and back slowly toward the car behind the space you wish to use;
- As your front door passes the back bumper of the car ahead of the space you wish to use, quickly straighten your wheels and continue to back diagonally into the space in a straight line;
- When your front bumper is completely clear of the car ahead of you, turn your wheels sharply to the left and back slowly toward the car behind you;
- Stop before making contact with the car behind you. Place the car in drive, turn your wheels sharply to the right and pull toward the center of the parking space;
- Always give the appropriate turn signal prior to beginning your parking maneuver and when you exit from a parallel parking space.